The mission of NanoReMedi is to define a joint doctorate educational training model in Functional Nano-Scaffolds for Regenerative Medicine

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Research Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

The mission of NanoReMedi is to define a joint doctorate educational training model in Functional Nano-Scaffolds for Regenerative Medicine

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Research Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

The three years NanoReMedi-EJD stems from six Doctoral Courses/Schools at the six beneficiary institutions providing research and training in the field of nanoscience. All PhDs courses are accredited and evaluated on a regular basis by internal evaluation boards or external certified bodies.

Two secondments are planned for each DC to acquire research or complementary training in nanomaterials that are not provided at the home institution.

NanoReMedy plans to organize two Summer Schools focused on nanomaterials applied to nanomedicine

Eligibility requirements

There are strict eligibility requirements for the DC positions in MSCA-DN. Please ensure to be qualified before applying, as ineligible candidates cannot be considered. The Recruitment board will pay special attention to respect gender balance.


of Milano

Pharmaceutical Sciences

of Pavia

Bioengineering, Bioinformatics
& Health Technologies

Universitat Politècnica
de Catalunya

Polymers and Biopolymers

The Hebrew
University Jerusalem

School of Chemistry

Université de

Balard Chemical Sciences
doctoral school


Materials Physics

Doubts or questions?

You will find answers to all your doubts or questions regarding the NanoReMedi project. In case of need you can still contact the professors directly or write to the email

Maria Luisa Gelmi

Benedetta Santini

For any doubts or concerns you can fill out the form below, one of our managers will reply as soon as possible.

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